/* iterator.c/v0.3 - generic iterator for complexfractals
* by Pegasus Epsilon <pegasus@pimpninjas.org>
* Distribute Unmodified -- http://pegasus.pimpninjas.org/license
* Changelog:
* 0.1 -- First version that works for both mandelbrot and julia.
* 0.2 -- Rewrote renormalization formula, reduced execution time 56%.
* 0.3 -- Removed apparently vestigial "last" variable.
#include <math.h> /* log(), log2(), sin(), cos(), sqrt() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* atof() */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp() */
#include "types.h" /* struct COMPLEX */
#include "constants.h"
#define ESCAPE 16*16 /* */
unsigned long long maxiter = 0;
double renormalized (COMPLEX *, COMPLEX *, void *);
double crosstrap (COMPLEX *, COMPLEX *, void *);
double (*iterate)(COMPLEX *const z, COMPLEX *const c, void *data) = &renormalized;
int inset (const COMPLEX *const c) {
/* quick check to see if the point is easily found in the set */
double tmp;
/* skip chaos line */
if (0 == c->I && -1 > c->R && -2 < c->R) return TRUE;
/* skip first and second period regions */
tmp = (c->R - .25) * (c->R - .25) + c->I * c->I;
if (
4 * tmp * (tmp + (c->R - .25)) / c->I / c->I < 1 ||
16 * ((c->R + 1) * (c->R + 1) + c->I * c->I) < 1
) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* check if the user requested a cross trap */
/* this feels so wrong... */
TRAP trapcheck (int *argc, char ***argv) {
TRAP trap = { 0 };
if (3 < *argc) {
if (!strcmp("--crosstrap", (*argv)[1])) {
trap.angle = atof((*argv)[2]) * M_PI / 90;
trap.dist = atof((*argv)[3]);
trap.start = (uint32_t)atoi((*argv)[4]);
trap.sin = sin(trap.angle);
trap.cos = cos(trap.angle);
trap.hyp = sqrt(trap.sin * trap.sin + trap.cos * trap.cos);
(*argv)[4] = (*argv)[0]; *argc -= 4; *argv += 4;
iterate = &crosstrap;
} else trap.dist = 0;
return trap;
/* iterator for the cross trap */
double crosstrap (COMPLEX *const z, COMPLEX *const c, void *data) {
unsigned long long i, deadline;
double d = (double)((unsigned long long)-1);
COMPLEX z2, oz;
TRAP *trap;
trap = (TRAP *)data;
for (
i = 0, deadline = 1,
oz.R = oz.I = 100; /* far outside the escape radius */
i != (unsigned long long)-1; i++
) {
z2.R = z->R * z->R;
z2.I = z->I * z->I;
/* if point escaped, break out */
if (z2.R + z2.I > ESCAPE) break;
z->I = 2 * z->R * z->I + c->I;
z->R = z2.R - z2.I + c->R;
if (i > trap->start) {
double v, h, n;
v = fabs(trap->sin * z->R + trap->cos * z->I);
h = fabs(trap->cos * z->R - trap->sin * z->I);
n = (h < v ? h : v) / trap->hyp;
if (n < d) d = n;
if (oz.R == z->R && oz.I == z->I) return d / 2;
if (i > deadline) { oz.R = z->R; oz.I = z->I; deadline <<= 1; }
/* track observed maximum iteration (for curiosity) */
maxiter = maxiter < i ? i : maxiter;
return trap->dist < d ? -1 : trap->dist - d;
/* iterator for renormalized iteration count */
double renormalized (COMPLEX *const z, COMPLEX *const c, void *data) {
/* returns -1 when in set, renormalized escape time otherwise */
unsigned long long i, deadline;
COMPLEX z2, oz;
for (
i = 0, deadline = 1,
oz.R = oz.I = 100; /* far outside the escape radius */
i != (unsigned long long)-1; i++
) {
z2.R = z->R * z->R;
z2.I = z->I * z->I;
/* if point escaped, break out */
if (z2.R + z2.I > ESCAPE) break;
z->I = 2 * z->R * z->I + c->I;
z->R = z2.R - z2.I + c->R;
/* periodic orbits are in the set, detect them and bail out. */
if (oz.R == z->R && oz.I == z->I) return -1;
if (i > deadline) { oz.R = z->R; oz.I = z->I; deadline <<= 1; }
/* track observed maximum iteration (for curiosity) */
maxiter = maxiter < i ? i : maxiter;
/* return normalized iteration count */
return (double)i - log2(log(z2.R + z2.I) / 2);