# more osascript than bash, but it does have /bin/sh up there...
# also, fuck osascript. undocumented garbage.
# this script is very responsive now, though, so that's a thing...
trap "stty echo; tput cnorm; exit" EXIT
stty -echo; tput civis
osascript -e '
set key_up to do shell script "printf \\\\e[A"
set key_dn to do shell script "printf \\\\e[B"
set sqr to do shell script "printf \\\\xE2\\\\x96\\\\xA0"
set endl to do shell script "tput el; tput cuu1"
set vol to output volume of (get volume settings)
set pips to vol * 16 / 100
set bar to "volume: ["
repeat pips times
set bar to bar & sqr
end repeat
repeat 16 - pips times
set bar to bar & " "
end repeat
set bar to bar & "] "
log bar & vol & endl
set input to do shell script "
read -n3 key < /dev/fd/10
printf $key
quoted form of input -- force coersion to string
if (key_up is equal to input) then
set vol to vol + 1
else if (key_dn is equal to input) then
set vol to vol - 1
end if
if (vol > 100) then
set vol to 100
end if
if (vol < 0) then
set vol to 0
end if
set volume output volume vol
end repeat
' 10<&0