var cards = [
["さんねん","three years"],
["おねえさん","big sister"],
["すきです","i like it"],
["ミネラルワォーター","mineral water"],
["おはよう","good morning"],
["おはようございます","good morning - (polite)"],
["こんいちわ","good afternoon"],
["こんばんわ","good evening"],
["おやすみ","good night"],
["おやすみなさい","good night - (polite)"],
["ありがとう","thank you"],
["ありがとうございます","thank you - (polite)"],
["すみません","excuse me/im sorry"],
["いいえ","no/not at all"],
["いってきます","i'll go and come back"],
["いってらっしゃい","please go and come back"],
["ただいま","I'm home"],
["おかえり","welcome home"],
["おかえりなさい","welcome home - (polite)"],
["いただきます","thank you for the meal - (before the meal)"],
["ごちそうさま","thank you for the meal - (after the meal)"],
["ごちそうさまでした","thank you for the meal - (after the meal polite)"],
["はじめまして","how do you do?"],
["よろしく","nice to meet you"],
["よろしくおねがいします","nice to meet you - (polite)"],
["あの","um... - that...(over there)"],
["えいご","english - (language)"],
["こうこう","high school"],
["~さい","...years old"],
["そうです","thats right"],
["そうですか","i see/is that so?"],
["~ねんせい","...year student"],
["ばんごう","number - (phone number)"],
["りゅうがくせい","international student"],
["アジアけんきゅう","asian studies"],
["こくさいかんけい","international relations"],
["かいしゃいん","office worker"],
["こうこうせい","highschool student"],
["だいがくいんせい","college student"],
["おねえさん","older sister"],
["おにいさん","older brother"],
["いもうと","younger sister"],
["おとうと","younger brother"],
["これ","this one"],
["それ","that one"],
["あれ","that one - (over there)"],
["どれ","which one"],
["あそこ","over there"],
["とんかつ","pork cutlet"],
["とけい","watch - clock"],
["ぼうし","hat - cap"],
["ゆうびんきょく","post office"],
["いくら","how much"],
["たかい","expensive - high"],
["いらっしゃいます","welcome - (to our store)"],
["(~を)ください","please give me"],
["じゃあ","then... - if thats the case"],
["どうぞ","please - here it is"],
["どうも","thank you"],