var cards = [
["がんばってね","do your best"],
["がんばります","I will do my best"],
["さんねん","three years"],
["おばあさん","(someone elses / refering to speakers (formal) )grandmother / old woman"],
["ぼ","(speakers) grandmother (informal)"],
["ばあちゃん","(addressing speakers) grandmother)"],
["おじいさん","(someone elses / refering to speakers (formal) )grandfather / old man"],
["ふ","(speakers) grandfather (informal)"],
["じいちゃん","(addressing speakers) grandfather"],
["おねえさん","big sister"],
["すきです","i like it"],
["ミネラルワォーター","mineral water"],
["おはよう","good morning"],
["おはようございます","good morning - (polite)"],
["こんいちわ","good afternoon"],
["こんばんわ","good evening"],
["おやすみ","good night"],
["おやすみなさい","good night - (polite)"],
["ありがとう","thank you"],
["ありがとうございます","thank you - (polite)"],
["すみません","excuse me / im sorry"],
["いいえ","no / not at all"],
["いってきます","see you later (if you're going)"],
["いってらっしゃい","see you later (if you're staying)"],
["ただいま","I'm home"],
["おかえり","welcome home"],
["おかえりなさい","welcome home - (polite)"],
["いただきます","thank you for the meal - (before the meal)"],
["ごちそうさま","thank you for the meal - (after the meal)"],
["ごちそうさまでした","thank you for the meal - (after the meal polite)"],
["はじめまして","how do you do?"],
["よろしく","nice to meet you"],
["よろしくおねがいします","nice to meet you - (polite)"],
["あの","um... - that...(over there)"],
["えいご","english - (language)"],
["こうこう","high school"],
["~さい","...years old"],
["~さん"," / mrs."],
["せんせい","teacher / professor"],
["そうです","thats right"],
["そうですか","i see / is that so?"],
["そうですね","that's right / let me see"],
["だいがく","college / university"],
["なん / なに","what"],
["~ねんせい","...year student"],
["ばんごう","number - (phone number)"],
["りゅうがくせい","international student"],
["アジアけんきゅう","asian studies"],
["こくさいかんけい","international relations"],
["しごと","job / work / occupation"],
["かいしゃいん","office worker"],
["こうこうせい","highschool student"],
["だいがくいんせい","college student"],
["おかあさん","mother (other families or informally refering to your own / addressing)"],
["おとうさん","father (other families / informally refering to your own / addressing )"],
["おねえさん","older sister"],
["あね","(speaker's) older sister (formal)"],
["おねえちゃん","(addressing yours) older sister"],
["おにいさん","older brother"],
["あに","(speaker's) older brother (formal)"],
["おにいちゃん","(addressing yours) older brother"],
["いもうと","(speaker's) younger sister (formal and informal)"],
["いもうとさん","(someone elses) younger sister"],
["おとうと","(speaker's) younger brother (formal and informal)"],
["おとうとさん","(someone elses) younger brother"],
["ごじゅじん","(someone elses) husband"],
["じゅじん / おっと","(speaker's) husband (formal)"],
["だんな / うちのひと","(speakers) husband (informal)"],
["おくさん","(someone elses) wife"],
["かない / つま","(speakers) wife (formal)"],
["おくさん / よめさん","(speakers) wife (informal)"],
["おかあさん","(addressing yours) wife"],
["ゼロ / れい","zero"],
["よん / し / よ","four"],
["なな / しち","seven"],
["きゅう / く","nine"],
["じゅうよん / じゅうし","fourteen"],
["じゅうなな / じゅうしち","seventeen"],
["じゅうきゅう / じゅうく","nineteen"],
["にひゃく","two hundred"],
["さんびゃく","three hundred"],
["よんひゃく","four hundred"],
["ごひゃく","five hundred"],
["ろっぴゅく","six hundred"],
["ななひゃく","seven hundred"],
["はっぴゃく","eight hundred"],
["きゅうひゃく","nine hundred"],
["にせん","two thousand"],
["さんぜん","three thousand"],
["よんせん","four thousand"],
["ごせん","five thousand"],
["ろくせん","six thousand"],
["ななせん","seven thousand"],
["はっせん","eight thousand"],
["きゅうせん","nine thousand"],
["いちまん","(one) ten thousand"],
["にまん","twenty thousand"],
["さんまん","thirty thousand"],
["よんまん","fourty thousand"],
["ごまん","fifty thousand"],
["ろくまん","sixty thousand"],
["ななまん","seventy thousand"],
["はちまん","eighty thousand"],
["きゅうまん","ninety thousand"],
["ひゃくまん","one million"],
["わかりましたか","do you understand?"],
["わかりました","i understand / i understood"],
["わかりません","i don't understand / i don't know"],
["ゆっくりいってください","please say it more slowly"],
["もいちどいってください","please say it again"],
["ちょっとまってください","please wait a moment"],
["きいてください","please listen / please ask"],
["じゅうぺージおみってください","please see page ten"],
["これ","this one"],
["それ","that one"],
["あれ","that one - (over there)"],
["どれ","which one"],
["あそこ","over there"],
["とんかつ","pork cutlet"],
["とけい","watch - clock"],
["ぼうし","hat - cap"],
["カブル","hat - cover"],
["はく","shoe / sock (foot covering)"],
["かける","sunglasses (eye covering)"],
["する","accessories (clothing)"],
["おふろ","bathtub (polite)"],
["ゆうびんきょく","post office"],
["いくら","how much"],
["たかい","expensive - high"],
["いらっしゃいます","welcome - (to our store)"],
["(~を)ください","please give me"],
["じゃあ","then... - if thats the case"],
["どうぞ","please - here it is"],
["どうも","thank you"],
["デート","date (romantic)"],
["アイスクリーム","ice cream"],
["あさごはん","breakfast / morning meal"],
["おさけ","alcohol (polite)"],
["おちゃ","green tea"],
["ばんごはん","dinner / last meal"],
["ひるごはん","lunch / mid-day meal"],
["いえ","someone else's house"],
["うち","your own home"],
["~ごろ","at approximately ..."],
["どようび","saturday (soil day)"],
["にちようび","sunday (sun day)"],
["げつようび","monday (moon day)"],
["かようび","tuesday (fire day)"],
["すいようび","wednesday (water day)"],
["もくようび","thursday (tree day)"],
["きんようび","friday (money day)"],
["まいにち","every day"],
["まいばん","every night"],
["いく","to go"], /* ask hellotalk */
["かえる","to go back / to return"],
["きく","to listen / to hear / to ask"],
["のむ","to drink"],
["はなす","to speak / to talk"],
["よむ","to read"],
["おきる","to get up"],
["たべる","to eat"],
["ねる","to (go to) sleep"],
["みる","to see / look at / watch"],
["くる","to come"],
["する","to do"],
["べんきょうする","to study"],
["あまり + negative","not much"], /* ask hellotalk */
["ぜんぜん + negative","not at all"], /* ask hellotalk */
["ちょっと","a little"],
["よく","often / much"],
["どうですか","how about ... ? / how is ... ?"],
["ふすま","sliding door (no paper)"],
["しょうじ","sliding door (paper)"],
["げんかん","entrance area where you remove your shoes"],
["あなた","you (possibly rude) / honey (pet name)"],
["おこさん","(refering to someone elses) child"],
["うちのこ","(refering to speakers) child"],
["ごはん","rice / meal"],
["しゃしん","picture / photograph"], /* look a this */
["バスてい","bus stop"], /* hmm */
["ほにゃ","book store"],
["まち","town / city"],
["~じかん","... hours"],
["いちじかん","one hour"],
["とき","when ... / at the time of ..."],
["あう","to meet / see (a person)"],
["ある","there is ..."],
["かう","to buy"],
["かく","to write"],
["とる","to take (a picture)"],
["まつ","to wait"],
["わかる","to understand"],
["いる","(a person) is in / stays at"],
["~ぐらい","about (approximate measurement)"],
["ごめんなさいありません","i'm sorry (for real though)"],
["ごめんなさい","i'm sorry (polite)"],
["ごめん","i'm sorry"],
["だから","so / therefore"],
["たくさん","many / a lot"],
["~と","together with (a person)"], /* ask hellotalk */
["ひとりで","alone (one, solo)"],
["それから","and then / after that"],
["ぬいぐるみ","stuffed animal"],
["みぎ","right (side, hand)"],
["ひだり","left (side, hand)"],
["まえ","front (side)"],
["うしろ","back (side)"],
["ちかく","near (by)"],
["となり","next (to)"],
["あいだ","between"], /* ask hellotalk about usage */
["いちじ","one o'clock"],
["にじ","two o'clock"],
["さんじ","three o'clock"],
["よじ","four o'clock"],
["ごじ","five o'clock"],
["ろくじ","six o'clock"],
["しちじ","seven o'clock"],
["はちじ","eight o'clock"],
["くじ","nine o'clock"],
["じゅうじ","ten o'clock"],
["じゅういちじ","eleven o'clock"],
["じゅうにじ","twelve o'clock"],
["いちじはん","one thirty"],
["いっぷん","one minute"],
["にふん","two minutes"],
["さんぷん","three minutes"],
["よんぷん","four minutes"],
["ごふん","five minutes"],
["ろっぷん","six minutes"],
["ななふん","seven minutes"],
["はっぷん / はちふん","eight minutes"],
["きゅうふん","nine minutes"],
["じゅっぷん / じっぷん","ten minutes"],
["じゅういっぷん","eleven minutes"],
["じゅうにふん","twelve minutes"],
["じゅうさんぷん","thirteen minutes"],
["じゅうよんぷん","fourteen minutes"],
["じゅうごふん","fifteen minutes"],
["じゅうろっぷん","sixteen minutes"],
["じゅうななふん","seventeen minutes"],
["じゅうはっぷん / じゅうはちふん","eighteen minutes"],
["じゅうきゅうふん","nineteen minutes"],
["にじゅっぷん / にじっぷん","twenty minutes"],
["さんじゅうっぷん / さんじっぷん","thirty minutes"],
["いっさい","one year old"],
["にっさい","two years old"],
["さんさい","three years old"],
["よんさい","four years old"],
["ごさい","five years old"],
["ろくさい","six years old"],
["ななさい","seven years old"],
["はっさい","eight years old"],
["きゅうさい","nine years old"],
["じゅっさい / じっさい","ten years old"],
["じゅういっさい","eleven years old"],
["はたち / にじゅっさい / にじっさい","twenty years old"],
["がんじつ","new year's day"],
["せいじんのひ","coming-of-age day"],
["けんこくきねんおひ","national foundation day"],
["しゅんぶんのひ","vernal equinox"],
["しょうわのひ","Emperor Showa's Birthday (1901-1989)"],
["けんぼうきねんび","Constitution day"],
["みどりのひ","Greenery day"],
["こどものひ","Children's day"],
["うみのひ","Sea day"],
["けいるうのひ","Respect your fuckin' elders day"],
["しゅうぶのひ","autumnal equinox"],
["たいいくのひ","Health and sports day"],
["ぶんかのひ","Culture day"],
["きんるうかんしゃのひ","Labor day"],
["てんのうたんじょうび","Emperor's Birthday"],
["いちがつ","first month (January)"],
["にがつ","second month (February)"],
["さんがつ","third month (March)"],
["しがつ","DEATH MONTH (April)"],
["ごがつ","fifth month (May)"],
["ろくがつ","sixth month (June)"],
["しちがつ","seventh month (July)"],
["はちがつ","eighth month (August)"],
["くがつ","ninth month (September)"],
["じゅうがつ","tenth month (October)"],
["じゅういちがつ","eleventh month (November)"],
["じゅうにがつ","twelvth month (December)"],
["おととい","the day before yesterday"],
["あさって","the day after tomorrow"],
["にじゅうかんまえ","two weeks ago"],
["せんしゅう","last week"],
["こんしゅう","this week"],
["らいしゅう","next week"],
["さらいしゅう","the week after next"],
["にかげつまえ","two months ago"],
["せんげつ","last month"],
["こんげつ","this month"],
["らいげつ","next month"],
["さらいげつ","the month after next"],
["おととし","the year before last"],
["きょねん","last year"],
["ことし","this year"],
["らいねん","next year"],
["さらいねん","year after next"],
["へや","room"], /* awright awright awright awright */
["ぼく","I (masculine)"],
["あつい","hot (weather / thing)"],
["いそがしい","busy (people / days)"],
["おもしろい","interesting / funny"],
["かっこいい","good looking / cool"],
["さむい","cold (weather)"],
["ふろい","old (things, fashioned & rude when used for people)"],
["つめたい","cold (things)"],
["やさし","easy (problem) / kind (person)"],
["けち","sting"], /* catchy */
["やすい","inexpensive / cheap (thing)"],
["きらい","disgusted with / to dislike"],
["きれい","beautiful / clean"],
["げんき","healthy / energetic"],
["すき","fond of / to like"],
["だいきらい","to hate"],
["だいすき","very fond of / to love"],
["ひま","not busy / idle"],
["およぐ","to swim"],
["のる","to ride / board"],
["やる","to do / perform"],
["でかける","to go out (for evening / fun)"],
["だいじょうぶ","alright (status, not agreement)"],
["どんな","what kind / sort / type of ..."],
["~まい","counter for flat objects"],
["~まで","as far as (a place) / until (a time)"],
["はがき","post card"],
["きって","postage stamps"],
["こうくうびん","air mail"],
["ふなびん","surface mail"],
["そくたつ","special delivery"],
["かきとめ","registered mail"],
["かんじ","kanji (chinese characters)"],
["シーディー","compact disk (CD)"],
["でんき","electric / electricity"],
["パソコン","personal computer"],
["たいへん","tough (situation)"],
["あそぶ","to play / to spend time pleasantly / to pay a social call"],
["いそぐ","to hurry"],
["かえす","to return (a thing)"],
["けす","to turn off / erase"],
["しね","to die"],
["すわる","to sit down"],
["たつ","to stand up"],
["タバコをすう","to smoke"],
["つかう","to use"],
["たつだう","to help (person / task)"],
["はいる","to enter"],
["もつ","to carry / hold"],
["やすみ","holiday / day off / absence"],
["やすむ","to be absent (from...) / to rest"],
["あける","to open (something)"],
["おしえる","to teach / instruct"],
["おりる","to get off"], /* ask hellotalk */
["かりる","to borrow"],
["しめる","to close"],
["おふろにはいる","to take (enter) a bath"],
["シャワーをあびる","to take (indulge) a shower"],
["つける","to turn on"],
["でんわをかける","make a phone call"],
["わすれる","to forget / leave behind"],
["つれてくる","to bring (a person)"],
["もってくる","to bring (a thing)"],
["あとで","later on"],
["おそく","(do something) late"],
["~から","from / until / to / because / that's why"],
["けっこうです","that's fine / that's enough"],
["すぐ","right away"],
["でる","to exit"], /* ask hellotalk */
["おね","(the speaker's) older sister"],
["おとこのひと","man (male person)"],
["おんなのひと","woman (female person)"],
["かみ","hair / god"],
["くに","country (of origin)"],
["コンビニ","convenience store"],
["サークル","club (circle)"],
["ちち","(the speaker's) father (formal)"],
["はは","(the speaker's) mother (formal)"],
["あし","ankle (leg?)"],
["あたまがいい","clever (good head)"],
["せがたかい","tall (tall spine)"],
["せがひくい","short (short spine)"],
["はやい","early / fast"],
["みじかい","short (length, things)"],
["うたう","to sing"],
["かぶる","to put something on your head"],
["しる","to get to know"],
["しています","i know"],
["しりません","i do not know"],
/* can you say していません instead of しりません? it's awkward, but is it a valid conjugation? */
["すむ","to live"], /* ask hellotalk */
["はく","to put on something (below your waist)"],
["ふとる","to gain weight"],
["ふとっています","to be a fat fuck"],
["(めがねを)かける","to put on (glasses)"],
["きる","to put on clothes (above the waist)"],
["しとめる","to work for"],
["やせる","to lose weight"],
["やせています","to be a skinny bitch"],
["けっこんする","to get married"],
["~が","..., however"],
["なにも + negative","not ... anything"],
["~にん","counter for people"],
["ひとり","one person"],
["ふたり","two people"], /* as opposed to futabu */
["さんにん","three people"],
["よにん","four people"],
["ごにん","five people"],
["ろくにん","six people"],
["しちにん","seven people"],
["はちにん","eight people"],
["きゅうにん","nine people"],
["じゅうにん","ten people"],
["みんなで","all of the people (all y'all)"],
["べつに + negative","nothing in particular"],
["もしもし","hello (only on the phone)"],
["もちろん","of course"],
["よかったら","if you like"],
["もっている","has"], /* ask hellotalk */
["しっている","knows"], /* ask hellotalk */
["おきている","is awake"],
["すんている","lives in"],
["つとめている","works for"],
["おしえて","tell me"],
["どういたしまして","you're welcome"],
["けさ","this morning"],
["てんくよほう","weather forecast"],
["まいしゅう","every week"],
["らいげつ","next month"],
["じょうず(な)","skillful, good at..."],
["へた(な)","clumsy, bad at..."],
["あめがふる","it rains"],
["あらう","to wash"],
["いう","to say"],
["いる","to need"],
["おそくなる","to be late"],
["おもう","to think"],
["きる","to cut"],
["つくる","to make"],
["もっていく","to make (a thing)"],
["ぎろぎろもる","to stare (at...)"],
["すてる","to throw away"],
["はじめる","to begin"],
["うんてんする","to drive"],
["せんたくする","to do laundry"],
["そうじする","to clean"],
["でんわする","to call"],
["りょうりする","to cook"],
["ううん","uh-uh / no"],
["うん","uh-huh / yes"],
["かんぱい","cheers (a toast)"],
["ざんねん(ですね)","thats too bad"],
["~について","about... / concerning..."],
["カレーライス","curry rice"],
["えびクライ","deep-fried rice"],
["うどん","udon noodles"],
["ぎゅうどん","beef rice bowl"],
["ハンバーグ","hamburger steak"],
["さしみ","raw seafood"],
["おこのみやき","savory pancake"],
["いいこ","good child"],
["おべんとう","boxed lunch"],
["かぶき","kabuki (traditional japanese theatrical art)"],
["きょねん","last year"],
["くすりをのむ","take medicine"],
["こんど","near future"],
["すくぶん","essay / composition"],
["せんげつ","last month"],
["たんご","word / vocabulary"],
["びょうき","illness / sickness"],
["おどる","to dance"],
["おわる","(something) ends"],
["にんきがある","to be popular"],
["はじまる","(something) begins)"],
["ひく","to play (a string instrument or piano)"],
["きらう","to get (from somebody)"],
["おぼえる","to memorize"],
["でる","to appear \ attend \ to exit"],
["うんどうする","to do physical exercises"],
["さんぽする","to take a walk"],
["ぜひ","by all means"],
["ところで","by the way"],
["ひとつ","one (small object)"],
["ふたつ","two (small objects)"],
["みっつ","three (small objects)"],
["よっつ"," four (small objects)"],
["いっつ"," five (small objects"],
["むっつ","six (small objects)"],
["ななつ","seven (small objects)"],
["やっつ","eight (small object)"],
["ここのつ","nine (small objects)"],
["とお","ten (small objects)"],
["チーズバーガー","cheese burger"],
["チキンバーガー","chicken burger"],
["テリァキバーガー","tariaki burger"],
["フライドポテト","fried potato (fries)"],
["ダブルバーガー","double burger"],
["アップルパイ","apple pie"],
["ホットコーヒー","hot coffee"],
["アイスティー","iced tea"],
["アイスコーヒー","iced coffee"],
["ホットティー","hot tea"],
["ぶんらく","puppet theater"],
["らくご","humorous storytelling"],
["のう","masked musical drama"],
["すもう","sumo wrestling"],
["けんどう","japanese fencing / kendo"],
["おちゃ(さどう)","tea ceremony"],
["いきばな(かどう)","flower arrangement"],
["みずいろ","light blue"],
["おかねもち","rich person"],
["クレジットカード","credit card"],
["ことし","this year"],
["しんかんせん","bullet train"],
["せいかつ","life / living"],
["びよういん","beauty parlor"],
["ふね","ship / boat"],
["らいがっき","next semester"],
["おそい","slow / late"],
["すずしい","cold (weather only)"],
["つめたい","cold (things / people"],
["かんたん","easy / simple"],
["かかる","to take (amount of time / money)"],
["とまる","to stay (at a hotel, etc.)"],
//pg 231