#include <stdio.h> /* puts(), printf(), fopen(), fgets(), feof(), sscanf(), fclose(), fwrite() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit(), realloc(), calloc(), free(), size_t */
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t */
# define PRIuSIZET "Iu"
# include <inttypes.h> /* uint8_t */
# define PRIuSIZET "zu"
#include <stddef.h> /* ptrdiff_t */
#include <math.h> /* cos(), fmod() */
#include "constants.h"
#include "utils.h"
#define CHANNELS 3
#define RED 0
#define GRN 1
#define BLU 2
/* 128 bytes is more than we should ever need for a single directive.
* We'll just croak if they exceed it, for now.
#define LINELEN 128
const char *channel[] = { "RED", "GRN", "BLU" };
struct rgb24 {
uint8_t y[CHANNELS];
struct gradient {
struct rgb24 *x;
size_t length;
struct point {
double x;
double y;
struct channel {
struct point *points;
size_t length;
struct spec {
struct channel channels[CHANNELS];
struct gradient gradient;
/* This function generates a cosine interpolated multi-channel cyclical
* waveform for use as a palette. Chosen for simplicity (no, really),
* precision, and actually quite nice results compared to other methods,
* like linear interpolation (ugly, even modified), splines (complicated)
* or curve fitting (in some cases, horrendously imprecise).
void generate_palette (const struct spec *spec) {
uint8_t c; /* only three channels, after all */
size_t i; /* current point in overall interpolation */
size_t a; /* starting point for this segment of interpolation */
size_t b; /* ending point for this segment of interpolation */
for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; c++) {
/* point A = cyclically previous point */
a = spec->channels[c].points[0].x > 0 ? spec->channels[c].length - 1 : 0;
/* point B = cyclically next point */
b = (a + 1) % spec->channels[c].length;
/* for each point "i" in the palette... */
for (i = 0; i < spec->gradient.length; i++) {
/* y = vertical coordinate ("magnitude") of the point */
double y;
/* x = horizontal coordinate ("timestamp") of the point */
double x = (double)i / (double)spec->gradient.length;
/* Move forward through the given points until we
* find one we haven't surpassed yet. Any points
* we skip entirely are lost in the noise of the
* waveform. Such is the nature of the beast.
while (x > spec->channels[c].points[b].x) {
b = ((a = (a + 1) % spec->channels[c].length) + 1) % spec->channels[c].length;
if (spec->channels[c].points[b].x < spec->channels[c].points[a].x) spec->channels[c].points[b].x++;
/* dx = distance between A and B on the X axis (delta t of [a, b]) */
/* this must be done after the point walking loop above, not before */
double dx = fmod(1 + spec->channels[c].points[b].x - spec->channels[c].points[a].x, 1.0);
/* don't shift if we're using x = 1.0 as the pretend x = 0.0 */
if (spec->channels[c].points[a].x != 1.0)
x -= spec->channels[c].points[a].x; /* shift X */
if (dx) /* no divide by zero please */
x /= dx; /* scale X */
else if (spec->channels[c].points[a].x == spec->channels[c].points[b].x)
puts("Warning: Two points specified on the same channel at the same time.");
y = (cos(M_PI * x) + 1) / 2; /* interpolate! */
y *= spec->channels[c].points[a].y - spec->channels[c].points[b].y; /* scale Y */
y += spec->channels[c].points[b].y; /* shift Y */
spec->gradient.x[i].y[c] = (uint8_t)(y * 255 + .5);
} /* for i < gradient->length */
} /* for c < CHANNELS */
void usage (const char *myself) {
printf("Usage: %s [-v] infile outfile\n\n", myself);
puts("\t-v\tshow debug output");
/* allocate storage for, and store, specified point */
struct channel *add_point (struct channel *in, double x, double y) {
struct point *new;
new = realloc(in->points, (in->length + 1) * sizeof(*(in->points)));
if (!new) fail("failed to allocate memory");
in->points = new;
in->points[in->length].x = x;
in->points[in->length].y = y;
return in;
/* allocate storage for, and store, channels as
* specified, for each channel, all at once
void add_syncpoint (struct channel *channels, double x, char *line, ptrdiff_t *diff) {
uint8_t c;
double y;
for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; c++) {
line += *diff;
sscanf(line, "%lf%tn", &y, diff);
debug(",%f", y);
add_point(&(channels[c]), x, y);
/* print the parsed palette directives */
void printparsed (struct channel *channels) {
uint8_t c;
size_t i;
for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; c++)
for (i = 0; i < channels[c].length; i++)
"%s: %f/%f\n",
/* print the final interpolated palette data */
void printoutput (struct gradient *gradient) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < gradient->length; i++)
"%lf: %d, %d, %d\n",
(double)i / (double)gradient->length,
struct spec *load_spec (char *filename, struct spec *spec) {
uint8_t c;
size_t i;
FILE *infile;
/* init all storage */
spec->gradient.length = 0;
for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; c++)
spec->channels[c].length = 0;
for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; c++)
spec->channels[c].points = NULL;
/* read and parse the input file */
if (NULL == (infile = fopen(filename, "r")))
for (;;) {
/* x, y = coordinates of point */
double x, y;
/* process input one line at a time
* LINELEN bytes is more than we should ever need
char line[LINELEN];
/* syncdiff = character offset in current line
* used only in RGB directive
ptrdiff_t syncdiff = 0;
/* read a line */
if (NULL == fgets(line, LINELEN, infile)) {
if (feof(infile))
fail("reading input file");
/* skip whitespace */
for (i = 0; ' ' == line[i] || '\t' == line[i]; i++);
/* skip blank lines */
if ('\n' == line[i])
/* skip comments */
if ('#' == line[i]) {
debug("%s", &line[i]);
/* figure out how long our results will be */
if (sscanf(line+i, "LEN%" PRIuSIZET, &spec->gradient.length)) {
debug("gradient length: %llu\n", spec->gradient.length);
/* process actual control point directives */
if (sscanf(line+i, "RED%lf%lf", &x, &y)) {
debug("read RED control point %lf/%lf\n", x, y);
add_point(&spec->channels[RED], x, y);
} else if (sscanf(line+i, "GRN%lf%lf", &x, &y)) {
debug("read GRN control point %lf/%lf\n", x, y);
add_point(&spec->channels[GRN], x, y);
} else if (sscanf(line+i, "BLU%lf%lf", &x, &y)) {
debug("read BLU control point %lf/%lf\n", x, y);
add_point(&spec->channels[BLU], x, y);
} else if (sscanf(line+i, "RGB%lf%jn", &x, &syncdiff)) {
/* Tested and fixed. Not sure it's the best way, though. */
debug("read RGB control point %lf", x);
add_syncpoint(spec->channels, x, line+i, &syncdiff);
if (debug_enabled()) putchar('\n');
} else
printf("Warning: Unknown statement in config file: %s\n", line+i);
return spec;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
uint8_t c;
FILE *outfile;
struct spec spec;
/* handle the verbose flag */
if (1 < argc && *(uint16_t *)"-v" == *(uint16_t *)argv[1]) {
argv[1] = argv[0];
if (argc < 2)
load_spec(argv[1], &spec);
/* debug? print the parsed directives */
if (debug_enabled())
/* make sure we got a gradient length */
if (!spec.gradient.length) die("Config must specify a gradient length (LEN)");
spec.gradient.x = calloc(spec.gradient.length, sizeof(*spec.gradient.x));
/* actually generate the palette */
/* debug? print the final palette data */
if (debug_enabled())
/* write the palette to outfile */
outfile = fopen(argv[2], "w");
fwrite(spec.gradient.x, sizeof(*spec.gradient.x), spec.gradient.length, outfile);
/* clean up */
for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; c++)
return 0;