/* zlib-only PNG writer
* by Pegasus Epsilon <pegasus@pimpninjas.org>
* (C) 2012 Distribute Unmodified
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include <stdio.h> /* fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), fclose() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit() */
#include <stdint.h> /* uint(8|16|32)_t */
#include <zlib.h> /* z_stream, deflateInit2(), deflate(), crc32() */
#include <arpa/inet.h> /* htonl() - noop on network-order machines */
#include <string.h>
#include "utils.h"
/* unalienate crc32 -- native types please! */
#define crc32(x, y, z) (uint32_t)crc32((uLong)x, (Bytef *)y, (uInt)z)
#define Z_CHUNK (size_t)(32 << 10) /* 32kB */
const uint8_t png_magic[] = { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a };
const uint8_t zlib_header[] = { 0x78, 0xda };
struct png_chunk {
uint32_t size;
uint32_t type;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct png_ihdr {
struct png_chunk header;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint8_t bit_depth;
uint8_t color_type;
uint8_t compression_method;
uint8_t filter_method;
uint8_t interlace_method;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct png_iend {
struct png_chunk header;
} __attribute__((packed));
__attribute__((pure cold noreturn))
void usage (const char *restrict const myself) {
printf("Usage: %s infile width height outfile\n", myself);
__attribute__((pure hot always_inline)) static inline
void crc_write (const void *data, size_t size, FILE *stream, uint32_t *crc) {
*crc = crc32(*crc, data, size);
if (1 != fwrite(data, size, 1, stream) || ferror(stream)) fail("crc_write");
__attribute__((pure hot always_inline)) static inline
void fwrite_chunk (
struct png_chunk *restrict const chunk, FILE *restrict const file
) {
/* save this for later */
size_t size = chunk->size;
/* CRC does not include the chunk size field */
uint32_t crc = htonl(crc32(0, &chunk->type, (size - sizeof(chunk->size))));
/* chunk size does not count header */
chunk->size = htonl(size - sizeof(struct png_chunk));
/* write chunk */
fwrite(chunk, size, 1, file);
/* write CRC */
fwrite(&crc, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, file);
__attribute__((hot always_inline)) static inline
int output (
z_stream *restrict const stream, const int flush,
FILE *restrict const file, uint32_t *restrict const crc
) {
static uint8_t buffer[Z_CHUNK];
size_t ready;
stream->next_out = buffer;
stream->avail_out = Z_CHUNK;
if (Z_STREAM_ERROR == deflate(stream, flush)) die("zlib killed itself");
if ((ready = Z_CHUNK - stream->avail_out))
crc_write(buffer, ready, file, crc);
return !stream->avail_out;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *ifile, *ofile;
long idat_start, idat_size;
uint32_t crc = 0, height, width;
z_stream stream = {
.zalloc = Z_NULL,
.zfree = Z_NULL,
.opaque = Z_NULL,
.next_in = Z_NULL,
struct png_ihdr ihdr = {
.header = {
.size = sizeof(struct png_ihdr),
.type = *(uint32_t *)"IHDR"
/* we can easily encode other pixel formats, but we only care about
* 24bpp truecolor images at the moment.
.bit_depth = 8, /* 24bpp */
.color_type = 2, /* color */
/* the PNG spec allows only one compression method. despite the spec's
* statements, the stream must be a full zlib stream, with zlib header,
* adler32 footer (for the decompressed data), and an extra additional
* CRC32 checksum (for compressed data) per the PNG chunk spec proper.
.compression_method = 0, /* zlib/32767 */
/* we don't bother with any filtering, just shoving the raw pixel data
* to zlib. We *may* get better results with filtering, but exploring
* that problem space takes more time than we're willing to spend on
* this simple application of the PNG spec.
.filter_method = 0, /* adaptive */
/* interlacing brings a lot of code complexity,
* with very limited benefit. don't bother.
.interlace_method = 0 /* progressive scan */
/* NOTE: Despite the radical simplification of the potential outputs by
* these self-imposed restraints on filtering and interlacing, we still
* beat ImageMagick's PNG writer by a decent margin.
struct png_iend iend = { .header = {
.size = sizeof(struct png_iend),
.type = *(uint32_t *)"IEND"
} };
/* Turn on verbose, maybe */
if (1 < argc && *(uint16_t *)"-v" == *(uint16_t *)argv[1]) {
argv[1] = argv[0];
/* Make sure we've got our args */
if (4 > argc) usage(argv[0]);
/* Open our files */
if (NULL == (ifile = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) fail(argv[1]);
if (NULL == (ofile = fopen(argv[4], "w"))) fail(argv[4]);
/* Process width and height arguments */
width = atol(argv[2]);
height = atol(argv[3]);
if (3 * width > Z_CHUNK)
die("Encoding images wider than %d pixels is not implemented", Z_CHUNK / 3);
/* Write the PNG magic */
fwrite(png_magic, (size_t)8, (size_t)1, ofile);
/* Write the IHDR */
ihdr.width = htonl(width);
ihdr.height = htonl(height);
fwrite_chunk((struct png_chunk *)&ihdr, ofile);
debug("writing %s, %sx%s...", argv[4], argv[2], argv[3]);
/* Build a single IDAT chunk as a stream.
* Read, compress, write, for maximum compression efficiency.
* First, the size, which we don't yet know, because we haven't
* compressed anything yet -- so we save the offset here...
idat_size = ftell(ofile);
/* ...skip it, and come back to fill it in after compression is complete.
* If your platform doesn't support seek past end of file,
* just write (uint32_t)0 instead, overwriting it later as normal.
fseek(ofile, sizeof(uint32_t), SEEK_CUR);
/* write "IDAT" */
crc_write("IDAT", 4, ofile, &crc);
/* Start counting IDAT size from here */
idat_start = ftell(ofile);
/* Start up zlib stream compressor */
if (Z_OK != deflateInit2(&stream, 9, Z_DEFLATED, 15, 9, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY))
die("failed to initialize zlib");
/* Compress the stream */
uint8_t input[Z_CHUNK] = { 0 };
uint32_t i = 0; int flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;;
while (i < height) {
stream.next_in = input;
stream.avail_in = (uInt)1 + 3 * fread(&input[1], 3, width, ifile);
if (ferror(ifile)) fail(argv[1]);
if (++i == height) flush = Z_FINISH;
while (output(&stream, flush, ofile, &crc));
/* Finish up */
/* calculate IDAT size */
idat_start = ftell(ofile) - idat_start;
debug("IDAT size: %lu\n", idat_start);
idat_start = htonl(idat_start);
/* Write the CRC, in network byte order */
crc = htonl(crc);
fwrite(&crc, sizeof(crc), 1, ofile);
/* Write the IEND chunk */
fwrite_chunk((struct png_chunk *)&iend, ofile);
/* go back and fill in the IDAT size */
fseek(ofile, idat_size, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&idat_start, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, ofile);
/* Finish up */
return 0;