#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Frets on Fire World Charts in perl.
# v0.3 by The Almighty Pegasus Epsilon <pegasus@pimpninjas.org>
# Distribute Unmodified.
# Changelog:
# v0.1 first functioning version. new scores overwrite old.
# v0.2 first attempt at merging scores - failed.
# changed the skill level printing method.
# v0.3 fixed the merging.
# added $localonly.
# added $datapath.
# added check to see if we can write to $datapath when creating new charts.
# removed remote title storing trust - if song exists, old title assumed correct.
# created "fixtitle.pl" to manually change incorrect titles.
# added file locking - no more race conditions.
# To-Do:
# * strip out debug stuff, once confirming breakfast is solid.
# * everyone hates the sloppiness of the output. prettify it somehow.
use strict;
use Fcntl ':flock';
use Storable qw(lock_store store_fd retrieve_fd);
# path for save data & utilities. best kept outside of the document root.
my $datapath = '/home/pegasus/.fofcharts';
# restrict to local scores only
sub localonly {
# uncomment to force local
# $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^192\.168\.0\./ && fail "False"
# enable debug
my $debug = 0;
# redirect stderr to stdout for http error delivery
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
# make stdout hot
select(((select STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]);
my $contentset;
sub contenttype {
$contentset && return;
$contentset = print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# $contentset = print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
my @scope = ('main');
sub debug{
$debug || return;
my $q = shift || return;
$contentset || contenttype;
print "$scope[-1]: $q\n";
sub line { my $q = shift; $q && return ($q =~ /(.+)\n([\w\W]*)/); }
sub fail {
print "$_\n" for @_;
sub pprint {
my $obj = shift or return;
my $indent = scalar @_ ? shift : 0;
$indent || print "<pre>";
$obj =~ /^HASH/ && do {
print "$obj:\n";
for (sort keys %{$obj}) {
print "\t" for (0..$indent);
print "key $_: ";
print "\n";
$obj =~ /^ARRAY/ && do {
print "$obj:\n";
for (0..@{$obj}-1) {
print "\t" for (0..$indent);
print "index $_: ";
print "\n";
print "$obj\n";
$indent || print "</pre>";
sub breakfast {
# fucking upside-down python logic...
push @scope, 'breakfast';
my $cereal = shift;
debug "looking for cereal...";
while ($cereal) {
last if ($cereal =~ s/^cereal1\n//); $cereal =~ s/^.//;
unless ($cereal) {
warn "breakfast: cereal not found, giving up.";
pop @scope;
debug "cereal found.";
(my $objcount,$cereal) = line($cereal);
debug "cereal contains $objcount objects.";
my @objects;
for (0..$objcount-1) {
(my $type,$cereal) = line($cereal);
$type =~ /dict/ && do {
debug "found dict, adding to object collection.";
my %hash; $objects[$_] = \%hash; next;
$type =~ /tuple/ && do {
debug "found tuple, initializing...";
my @array;
(my $items,$cereal) = line($cereal);
debug "tuple contains $items data items.";
for (0..$items-1) {
$cereal =~ s/^s// && do {
debug "data item #$_ is a string.";
(my $len,$cereal) = line($cereal);
debug "the string is $len bytes long.";
($array[$_],$cereal) = ($cereal =~ /(.{$len})([\w\W]*)/);
debug "this is the string: $array[$_]";
$cereal =~ s/^i// && do {
debug "data item #$_ is an integer.";
($array[$_],$cereal) = line($cereal);
debug "this is the integer: $array[$_]";
warn "breakfast: there's something icky in my cereal.";
$objects[$_] = \@array; next;
$type =~ /(list|set)/ && do
{ my @array; $objects[$_] = \@array; next; };
warn "breakfast: there's something icky in my cereal.";
debug "finalizing objects in hierarchy...\n";
my $object = 0;
while ($cereal) {
$cereal =~ /^r0/ && last;
if ($cereal =~ /^r/) { # sanity check
warn "breakfast: bad cereal: object count missing from object #$object.";
(my $count,$cereal) = line($cereal);
debug "object #$object contains $count objects.";
my $ref = 0;
for (0..$count-1) {
($ref,$cereal) = line($cereal);
$ref =~ s/^r//;
debug "object #$_ in this object is object #$ref.";
my $name;
$cereal =~ s/^i// && do {
debug "object #$ref is a named object.";
($name,$cereal) = line($cereal);
debug "the name of object #$ref should be $name";
if ($objects[$object] =~ /HASH/) {
debug "inserting object #$ref into object #$object as \"$name\".";
$objects[$object]->{$name} = $objects[$ref];
if ($objects[$object] =~ /ARRAY/) {
# this could probably be rewritten to use push. maybe it should be.
debug "inserting object #$ref into object #$object as index $_.";
$objects[$object]->[$_] = $objects[$ref];
debug "object #$object is complete.\n";
debug "returning final object hierarchy: ";
$debug && pprint $objects[0];
pop @scope;
$objects[0] =~ /HASH/ && return \%{$objects[0]};
$objects[0] =~ /ARRAY/ && return \@{$objects[0]};
# execution should never get here.
warn "breakfast: something has gone horribly wrong.";
sub merge {
# merge scores from %src into %dst, sort highest to lowest, truncate
# to five highest scores. this could probably be done more elegantly.
my %dst = %{(shift)};
my %src = %{(shift)};
my (%result, %skills);
$skills{$_} = 1 for (sort keys %src);
$skills{$_} = 1 for (sort keys %dst);
for my $skill (sort keys %skills) {
defined $src{$skill} && defined $dst{$skill} && do {
$result{$skill} = ();
my (@scores, %scores);
push @scores, $_ for (@{$dst{$skill}});
$scores{$_->[3]} = 1 for (@scores);
for my $score (@{$src{$skill}}) {
push @scores, $score unless (defined $scores{$score->[3]});
for my $score ((sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @scores)[0..4]) {
last unless defined $score;
push @{$result{$skill}}, $score;
defined $src{$skill} && do { $result{$skill} = $src{$skill}; };
defined $dst{$skill} && do { $result{$skill} = $dst{$skill}; };
return \%result;
### main ###
unless (-e "$datapath/fof.chart") {
my %chart;
lock_store \%chart, "$datapath/fof.chart"
or fail "Score chart not found, and I can't create it.";
open CHART, '+<', "$datapath/fof.chart" or die "can't open charts.";
my %chart = %{retrieve_fd(\*CHART)};
my %query = split /[&=]/, $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
fail "False" unless (
defined $query{songHash} && length $query{songHash} &&
defined $query{songName} && length $query{songName} &&
defined $query{scores}
print "True"; close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR; # detach
$query{songName} =~ s/\+/ /g;
$query{scores} =~ s/(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge;
$query{scores} = breakfast($query{scores});
my %song;
if (defined $chart{$query{songHash}}) {
$song{songname} = $chart{$query{songHash}}->{songname};
$song{scores} = merge($chart{$query{songHash}}->{scores}, $query{scores});
} else {
$song{songname} = $query{songName};
$song{scores} = $query{scores};
$chart{$query{songHash}} = \%song;
seek CHART, 0, 0;
store_fd \%chart, \*CHART;
} else {
print << 'songs';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>pimpninjas.org Frets on Fire scores</title>
<style type="text/css">
* { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }
body { background: #000; color: #fff; font-family: sans-serif; }
h1,h2 { text-align: center; font-size: 1.5em; padding: 0; margin: 4px }
h2 { font-size: 1em; color: #444; background: #000; }
div { position: relative; width: 100%; float: left; text-align: center; }
.width33 { position: relative; width: 33%; }
table { border: 2px groove #111; position: relative; width: 100%; }
th { color: #fff; background: #111; }
td { text-align: center; }
a { border: 0; color: #aaf; text-decoration: none; }
<h1>The escape key is for pussies.</h1>
my $count = 0;
my @skills = ("Amazing","Medium","Easy","Supaeasy");
for my $song (sort keys %chart) {
($count++ % 3) or print "</div><div>";
my %scores;
%scores = %{$chart{$song}->{scores}};
print '<div class="width33">';
print '<table><tr><th colspan="3">';
print "$chart{$song}->{songname}</th></tr>";
for my $skill (sort keys %scores) {
print "<tr><th colspan=\"3\">$skills[$skill]</th></tr>";
print "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Star Rating</th><th>Score</th></tr>";
for my $score (@{$scores{$skill}}) {
print "<tr><td>$score->[2]</td>";
print "<td>";
print '<img src="fof_star_on.png" alt="star" />' for (1..$score->[1]);
print '<img src="fof_star_off.png" alt="non-star" />' for ($score->[1]..4);
print "</td>";
# print "<td>$score->[1]</td>";
print "<td>$score->[0]</td></tr>";
print "</table></div>";
print << 'eof';
<h2><a href="http://pegasus.pimpninjas.org">The Almighty Pegasus Epsilon</a>
wrote this bitch in perl. So suck it.</h2>
<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" src="../validxhtml11.jpg" /></a>
<a href="http://no-www.org/verify.php?u=pimpninjas.org"><img alt="no-www.org certified class b" src="../class-b.png" /></a>
Commented until box-sizing: border-box (CSS3) goes final.
<a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check?uri=referer"><img alt="Valid CSS" src="../validcss.jpg" /></a>
# abandon file handle and lock, exit, etc.