#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use v5.10;
use Time::HiRes 'tv_interval', 'gettimeofday';
sub linear_merge_slow {
my @a = @{(shift)};
my @b = @{(shift)};
my @c;
push @c, $a[0] < $b[0] ? shift @a : shift @b while @a and @b;
return @c, @b, @a;
sub linear_merge_fast {
my @l1 = @{$_[0]};
my @l2 = @{(shift)};
my ($lp1, $lp2, $ll1, $ll2, @l) = (0, 0, $#l1, $#l2);
while ($lp1 < $ll1 and $lp2 < $ll2) {
if ($l1[$lp1] < $l2[$lp2]) {
push @l, $l1[$lp1];
} else {
push @l, $l2[$lp2];
return @l, $lp1 < $ll1 ? @l1[$lp1..$ll1] : @l2[$lp2..$ll2];
# no need for srand, perl does it for us
my $a = int rand 1000;
my $b = int rand 1000;
my @a = $a .. $a + 200000;
my @b = $b .. $b + 200000;
my $start = gettimeofday;
linear_merge_fast \@a, \@b;
my $fast = gettimeofday - $start;
say "fast merge took $fast seconds";
$start = gettimeofday;
linear_merge_slow \@a, \@b;
my $slow = gettimeofday - $start;
say "slow merge took $slow seconds";
say "slow seems to be about ", ($slow / $fast), " times slower than fast";
say "sanity tests";
say join ',', linear_merge_fast [1, 7, 9], [2, 3, 9, 9];
say join ',', linear_merge_slow [1, 7, 9], [2, 3, 9, 9];
say join ',', linear_merge_fast [1, 1, 1], [9];
say join ',', linear_merge_slow [1, 1, 1], [9];